Lopez and Affleck’s marriage came more than 20 years after they first met on the set of the comedy “Gigli,” where they played criminals stuck on...
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are allegedly headed for divorce in 2024. The couple tied the knot in 2022, and Lopez was happy to take...
Mariah Carey’s familial tensions and her relationship with her parents Alfred Roy Carey and Patricia Carey was brought in the limelight in recent years. Let’s know...
Meghan Markle was bestowed a new ‘title’ after her recent trip to Nigeria joined by husband Prince Harry and this has left royal fans divided. Meghan...
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are to feature in a major new documentary on German TV, with the show directed by a royal family expert....
Prince George, the 10-year-old eldest son of Prince William and Kate Middleton, is set to undergo a significant royal protocol change next year when he turns...
In a stunning turn of events, beloved actor and musician Jack Black has announced his departure from the United States, citing a lack of respect as...
In a groundbreaking shift for daytime television, ABC has announced that conservative commentator Candace Owens will helm a new morning show, set to replace the long-running...
The US Women’s team has made it clear that they will resign immediately if the Olympic Committee allows Lia Thomas to try out. “We don’t need...
“Tom planned every detail to perfection,” a close friend shared. “He wanted to make it a night Zendaya would never forget, and he succeeded.” The newly...