In a shocking turn of events, Imane Khelif, a renowned Olympic boxer, has been stripped of all her titles and banned for life after failing a...
Maggie Smith, the venerable British actress whose career on stage, film and television spanned more than 60 years, has died. She was 89. Her sons, Chris...
According to AS, Ronaldo is planning to return to his home country Portugal with his partner Georgina Rodriguez, as their big mansion in Cascais near Lisbon...
The 26-year-old musician and model dropped a string of lead-off singles earlier this year, and has now seemingly announced the grand project to tie it all...
Katt Williams has ignited a new wave of controversy with claims regarding leaked footage involving two of the music industry’s biggest names: Beyoncé and Sean “Diddy”...
Revealed: Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ Lawyer Addresses the Shocking 1,000 Bottles of Baby Oil and Lube Seized, Claims ‘He Buys in Bulk for Practical Reasons’ In an...
Hailey Bieber Breaks Silence on Justin’s Encounter with Diddy In a shocking turn of events, Hailey Bieber has revealed disturbing details about an alleged encounter between...
“It’s not anything that he wants to focus on, though,” the source adds of Justin. The insider notes that the “Peaches” singer has instead “been in...
In an unexpected twist of events, global pop sensation Justin Bieber and rapper-actor Jaden Smith are reportedly teaming up on a new project, aiming to shed...
Eminem’s scathing lyrics about Diddy revealed – as fans say they understand song’s real meaning… The rapper expertly littered his lyrics with double meanings –...