Investigation reveals Rashee Rice smokes marijuana

Rice’s accident investigations have continued to unfold as Dallas PD found a small amount of marihuana in the Lamborghini where the Chief’s star was traveling.
Rashee Rice was driving Lamborghini Urus involved in the crash.
According to a police report involving a Lamborghini rented by the Chief’s star, they found 10.8 grams of cannabis, which is not legal in Texas, it is only a misdemeanor charge, however, the punishment for it could be punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a fine not to exceed $2 000.
In the accident, two cars under the name of Rice were involved in the crash, a Corvette, and a Lamborghini Urus, one leased, the other one rented. During a press conference, Rice’s attorney Royce West claimed Rice was driving the Lambo in the crash that caused a 6-car collision.